Indonesia-West Jawa-Majalengka 2

Still in Majalengka, about 23km from Panyaweuyan I visited the terrace again but this time it was the rice terrace which was prettier than in Ubud NANGKLAK RICE TERRACE As far as the eye can see, it looks like a beautiful green rice terrace Although not as famous as the rice fields in Ubud, in…

Indonesia-West Jawa-Majalengka 1

PANYAWEUYAN TERRACE I’ve been waiting to visit Panyaweuyan for a long time and finally after pandemic I visited this place. Panyaweuyan Terrace is the largest and most beautiful terrace in Indonesia Located in Majalengka Regency, the Panyaweuyan location can be accessed from several places in West Java. I choose to reach it from Cirebon Departing…

Indonesia-West Jawa – Bandung

  Bandung is not only famous for shopping, but also has beautiful scenery. Tebing Keraton is a cliff where we can enjoy a spectacular view of the city of Bandung and surrounding forest . Curug malela is a gorgeous waterfall that can be reached about a 5 hour drive from Bandung TEBING KERATON CURUG MALELA…